Explore the World’s First Operations Monitoring Software with
By deploying a powerful Analytics Intelligence platform that quickly connects, collects, and combines enterprise data from multiple sources to feed AI models.
Any machine, any control, and legacy machines – Freedom® AI has the interface solution.
The feature provides valuable insights into asset availability and utilization, shift and production performance, asset reliability, and lost opportunity.
Includes, but not limited to, automated production lines, assembly lines, and warehouse operations and collect data for input into powerful AI models to optimize your automation, inventory, production schedules, output, and predictive maintenance.
Regardless of process, control, or PLC brand, it can be connected to Freedom AI. No matter the automation, Freedom AI provides the power of data collection and analysis to optimize the task at hand.
Our highly-efficient Analytics Intelligence machine monitoring software can analyze and categorize data into actionable information, such as Summary Reports, that managers can easily understand, while also providing Real-time Insights, Alerts and Notifications to help keep your production line Optimized and Running smoothly.
Integrated into our software, the FREEDOM® AI algorithms sift through Terabytes of data, analyzing everything from Operation Cycle Times, Alerts, Events, Downtime, Bottlenecks, Shift Changes, Custom Data, External Data and more, to provide real-time analysis and recommendations to continuous improvement teams and operations management.
Analytics data provided is extremely powerful, to the point where Freedom AI may predict if a process is not optimized or a machine or line requires maintenance, if a machine has been out of cycle too long, or even if a machine or process is being effectively utilized to maximize production.
Freedom Al primarily uses software interfaces to connect assets on the shop floor. Hardware is only required for legacy or non-CNC assets. Freedom AI is MTConnect and OPC compliant.
Connected, collecting data, and providing insights in hours, Freedom AI provides you streaming real-time data on desktops, mobile devices and shop LCD monitors. Emailed reports and text notifications keep you informed and alerted of any anomalies or issues.
Freedom AI’s powerful analytic engine combined with visualization, triggers and actions, and notifications provides the power to Monitor Production, allows for Proactive and Predictive Maintenance, drives Process Optimization and continuously provides Condition Monitoring of assets in your operations.
Why add equipment and manpower before optimizing the operational assets you currently employ? Freedom® AI platform customers have documented productivity improvements up to 50%, creating real business value.
After installation and training on the Freedom AI platform, Return on Investment is realized in 6 months or less. Our customers save millions of dollars in annual operating costs. Use the ROI calculator below to see opportunity to create business value and easily justify the Freedom AI platform.