Building a Culture that Supports Smart Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing requires more than just investing in the latest IIoT solutions and technologies. Organizations that successfully incorporate smart manufacturing must experience a top-down shift from a process-first mindset to a culture-first mindset, effectively prioritizing the people side of the business. When every level of an organization is engaged and invested, a company can truly move forward and join “industry 4.0.” The following are necessary focus areas for successful integration of smart manufacturing principles and solutions.

Freedom Celebrates 5 Years of Improving Manufacturers’ Operational Growth

An increasingly global manufacturing marketplace continues to expand the competitive borders of the manufacturing environment. At the same time, tighter margins, smaller lot sizes, and higher quality requirements demand advanced technical solutions that help organizations achieve lean manufacturing across each stage of the production cycle. Since 2013, 5ME LLC has provided manufacturers with a web-based software suite that does just that. FREEDOM™ Smart Manufacturing platform delivers real-time collection and analysis of important manufacturing data that is accessible on any web browser and any device, connecting every asset on the shop floor and providing analytics to its users everywhere from the shop floor to the top floor.