Real-Time Dashboard Module

Choose from a wide variety of dashlets to create dynamic and impactful real-time metrics. Keep your entire organization informed by displaying on shop floor monitors, mobile devices, and personal computers.

Control the flow of information.

Using a manufacturing dashboard, plant managers, quality managers, and production supervisors gain insights into their operations, while providing unique information for their role and situation.

As part of the core Freedom® AI platform, intelligent, customizable, real-time machine monitoring dashboards, can be created by each user with drag and drop widgets.

The real-time dashboard feature allows users to specify any of the elements currently available within The Freedom AI platform (machines, time periods, reports, OEE metrics, as well as Custom Data) and pull them onto a single page canvas in order to create a display of actionable information that is most relevant to their role.

Other information such as pictures, websites, hyperlinks, and work order instructions can also be embedded.

Real-time dashboards are also often utilized to create Andon Screens for your Shop Floor.

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