Custom Data Module

Extract, store, and analyze sensor data from the production asset’s control system and 3rd party sensors. Powerful condition-based AI algorithms keep users informed of anomalies, thresholds, and trends through Notifications, AI Insights, Custom Data charts, and Real-Time Dashboards.

Power Up your Data Collection and Get More Insights

The Freedom AI Platform’s Custom Data Module provides you with data that is captured from deep within the machine or external sensors.

The Custom Data Module takes data collection and analyzation to the next level.  Configure to extract rich data sets from deep within the machine or from external sensors. Then analyze and aggregate it with other Freedom standard data items. 

Combined with the Real-Time Dashboard Module and Notification Module, the Custom Data Module powers up your ability to quickly visualize complex data sets and notify continuous improvement teams for resolution of issues and keep production on track. 

Collect untapped data streams for analyzation and provide your operation the information it needs.

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